Consider It Done.....Consider It Done Right!!!


201 Mulberry St, Park Hills MO

Auto Glass

Auto Glass Repair & Replacement

Windshields, Door windows, Side Windows and More!

Don't deal with the insurance companies!

Sometimes the insurance claims and the necessary information they require can be quite confusing and very stressful.  Dale Mosier Auto Body and Sales Inc., has experience dealing with these companies and will handle the insurance claim paperwork, and if the insurance company is billing directly we can help with that as well.  Needing auto glass repair or replacement should be not be a stressful situation.  We are here to help get your vehicle glass repaired or replaced and get you back to your life without dealing with a pile of paperwork. 

Contact Dale Mosier Auto Body and Sales Inc for the best auto glass services available.

Windshield Replacement

Broken glass after the accident

One thing you can almost guarantee to break in an accident is the glass.  Whether it is the windshield, side windows or even the back window, at Dale Mosier Auto Body and Sales Inc we provide quality, quick, and professional glass repair or replacement.  Our goal is to provide you with quality vehicle repair and get you back on the road as quickly as possible and seeing the road clearly again.  We offer glass and windshield repair or replacement for virtually any vehicle out there at a reasonable price.

Check out our Full Service Options

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